Just a quick post to say that
(a) the artist responsible for the CG set I posted a few days ago, Nora Higuma, has just posted this new
Dragon Quest image on
his site and
(b) I'm currently uploading three translated
DQ doujinshi. I'm sure that most
DQ fans already have one of them - Muchi Muchi Angel 9 - but hopefully the other two will be new to most of you, at least in their translated forms.
On a totally unrelated note, I'm also about to watch the last three episodes of Code Geass and, in incredibly geeky fashion, I've ordered a Pizza Hut pizza to eat during the final episode. It's weird; I know it's product placement and I know I've essentially been brainwashed to buy from Pizza Hut but... I don't care - I really want my Super Supreme.
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