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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mouhitotsuno Kekku Hatsu Yoru, by CASMANIA

This guy's doujinshi have been uploaded a couple of times before and one of them had an almost identical name, though since I don't know what the title means I can't really figure out what the theme is. Anyone know what "Kekku Hatsu Yoru" means?

This is a short and somewhat sketchy doujinshi focusing on Deborah. If you don't mind sketchy art, you should enjoy this. In fact, I'm usually put off by sketchy art but I still think this is pretty good; it's a good artist quickly putting out some work rather than a shit artist making a mess of it. Still make no mistake, this is a really sketchy piece of work - the artist has just written the speech bubble in pen and hasn't deleted the pencil work from within them.

Mediafire download

Artist's website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

結婚初夜 (kekkon shoya) means "first night after the wedding". So this is what happened the night of the wedding.