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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Very interesting DQIX information

Nothing to say apart from: Read this guy's blog. Really, there's a whole host of new and interesting DQIX information over there. We're not just talking about light conjecture or vague info but rather we're talking about info on a new class, on new monster types and who that angel girl is... And more.

Seriously, that blogger seems to kick a lot of ass when it comes to gathering videogame information. I wish I was as dedicated to that as I am to drinking lager, downloading hentai and playing RPGs in every second of spare time I have.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Teclo :) DQIX is at the top of my list as far as translation priority goes, so I hope to have more soon!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Link. I hope he'll be updating this much for all the Dragon Quest X info. This is 100x more information then I've seen on all the American/European gaming news sites combined.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: Yes, I plan on covering DQX like crazy too :).