What am I referring to? Well this is one set of screens, and this is an almost identical page.
I think seeing these images of the different classes alongside various battle scenes featuring them is the first time I've really, strongly felt "this game is going to be really good". Seeing some of the plot-centric NPC characters gave me a similar feeling but it's really nice to see some clearly defined previews of the classes in action - I guess it's because these are the sorts of images you'll tend to see in the game's manual.
I really believe DQIX is going to be one of the best games in the series. It looks upbeat and of high quality, and engaging, and cute, and utterly positive. Sexy, too, I bet.
Yes, I'm sure the game will be quite 'Sexy'. And 'Tough', and 'Brave' and 'Elegant'...
lol, enough inside Dragon Quest/RPG jokes. I enjoy the small tidbits of information they are [finally] giving us. But somehow I just keep feeling it is all going to be so bittersweet. The Dragon Quest series seems to be 10 years ahead of many other RPG series in Japan in quality, design and consistency.
Yet when brought to the international market, the games seem to be stuck in 1987. With a healthy dose of cliche translation and 'changing everything because we can' to make the series look less like a Dragon Quest game and more like 'Generic Fantasy RPG series #2452'.
I fear the greatness of this game will not transverse the ocean, just as the latest Dragon Quest games have been hacked and mangled into a different product then the original product they were from their Japanese release.
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