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Friday, August 8, 2008

Mach Kiukiu by Doronuma Kyoudai

I know very little about Japanese but when I took まっはきうきう and figured out what it said, I got what you see in this post title. Mahha doesn't seem like a Japanese word though, it would make more sense if it was matte but then wouldn't that be まってきうきう? Well, if anyone here can actually speak Japanese, please tell me what the hell it says! See comments for an update on the name.

Anyway, now for the actual content: This is another Dragon Quest doujinshi by this circle and as is the norm, the first story is by Mr.Lostman and is the better drawn one. In this case it's a pretty straight forward thing between Alena and Kiryl. The second story is by Mr.RED-RUM and isn't drawn as well but features more unusual things, as always seems to be the case with this circle's work. In this case, we see Meena being raped by a couple of men at the orders of a character that I'm sure players of DQIV will recognise but since I'm waiting for the DS version, I unfortunately don't. It's a lion-demon guy, anyway. The lion guy gets a tied-up futa Maya to cum over her sister's face before raping her while Maya looks on, using something that looks like a living fleshlight... There's some anal on Meena before Maya begs to be fucked by the lion guy. So if all that's your cup of tea, the somewhat inferior artwork (comapred to Mr.Lostman's) shouldn't matter at all.

Artists' website

Mediafire download
Megarotic download


Unknown said...

While not related to this particular submission, I chipped in $7. :P Thanks for the uploads!

Devoto said...

Yeah I just noticed when I checked in PayPal a moment ago. Thanks for your generosity, firon! I'm glad you're enjoying the content.

Anonymous said...

Well... written out in katakana マッハ is the loan word "Mach" and the author might be leaving the whole title in hiragana for stylistic reasons.

Then again, before posting this I did some google searching to see what would come up. I found a page that was focusing on one of those old Kunio-kun famicom games. まっはきうきう seemed to be listed exactly as that as one of the moves you could do. The illustration from the game was of your character bending someone else over backwards. The "Kiu! Kiu!" part seems to be a kind of sound effect.

Actually... if you do a google image search for まっはきうきう most of the results seem to be from Kunio-kun games... so yeah... just a fun reference to a video game martial arts move I guess?

Anonymous said...

Found a page in English that lists the attack as "Mach Kiukiu":

Devoto said...

Wow, I'm impressed both by your detective work and by the fact that the name of a doujinshi can be such an obscure reference. Though maybe it isn't so obscure to Japanese/retro gamers?

I'll change the title to reflect this.