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Friday, August 1, 2008

Visitor city top 20 and a doujinshi: Futsuu by Quick Kick Lee

First of all, since this is the first post of the month, I thought it would be a nice idea to show you the top 20 chart of where this site's visitors are from. The country that visits here most is the US, then Japan, then Canada with my own country, the UK, coming in at a terrible 7th. However, this chart is organised by city, not country. I don't know what's gone wrong with #2...

Also here's a doujinshi based on Dragon Quest III. The female hero and warrior star in one story each in this doujinshi featuring anal, tit fucking and elements of oddly passive sex such as the hero getting her tits felt while she tries to read the map (see sample picture number 3).

Artist's website

Mediafire download
Megarotic download

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maryland here. Though not Silverspring.