Don't forget you can search for specific terms, artists or doujinshi using the search bar at the very top of the page. Please note that I won't have listed every single element in the blogpost so search results won't necessarily tell the whole story.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The music I'm listening to

In a rare example of normal blogging taking place here on Dragon Quest Treasures, I've put a special image at the bottom of the blog which tells you what songs I'm currently listening to, if any. I thought it might give a personal touch to the blog. Still, since this is 90% a hentai blog, I've put it at the bottom so it doesn't get in the way of all the tits.

If you're interesting in doing this yourself and don't know how to, may I suggest ViralSound, which is how I do it myself. It can be used in forums as well as blogs or any other website - it just requires a small plug-in for Winamp.

The next CG set by Witch Mercenary Team coming up soon!

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