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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sex Devil Innzilyuu Miss Slave, by I's

Or DQ女キャラ凌辱 ~性魔・淫獣堕落嬢~ if you prefer. Well don't ask me what the hell that English title is all about; it's just what it said on the rar. Well this is the long-delayed next in the series of I's uploads I said I'd do.

It features DQIII and VIII characters. Well, DQIII characters and Jessica, to be more accurate. Standard fare in this set - various DQ enemies have their wicked way with the heroines and it always ends with bukkake.

The header image is unrelated, it's just a cool pic and there wasn't really a suitable "title" image from the set to use.

Jessica, sage, jester, (female) Loto, cleric, warrior

Keywords: forced, tentacles, (fairly) large insertion, slime, bukkake

Mediafire download

(Artist's website unknown)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
