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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maya and Meena 4-hit combo part 3: Monbabara no Meibutsu Shimai

It's kind of annoying to see this "4-hit combo" coming out in reverse order, but oh well... OK, this is by Akifumichan and this time we see loli versions of Maya and Meena. Unfortunately, this is an example of what I mentioned a few days ago: unclearly drawn doujinshi. This is sort of borderline for me; it's more that it looks washed-out than anything. I guess if it's really a problem you could open it up in Photoshop and change the saturation or something.

Basically, some very "lively" lolis inspire the nearby townsfolk to fuck them and cum on them. Hardly Shakespeare but then Shakespeare didn't have horny lolis... Oh wait - he did, Juliet was 13. Anyway, that literary tangent aside, this would be a great doujinshi if it wasn't so sketchy and washed-out looking. It would be an amazing doujinshi if it looked like the cover all the way through. About the only doujinshi artist I've seen that does sketchy art that somehow looks clear and amazing is Bolze.

Artist's site (not working)

Mediafire download
Megarotic download

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww!! Manya and Minea look super cute as little lolis like that! I don't really mind the sketchiness of the art myself.